Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wednesday – Healing in our innermost being

Today was the conclusion of the counseling seminar. As the women returned, it was evident that they had absorbed so much from yesterday. One woman shared that she didn’t sleep all night, praying and thinking about what she had learned. A number of the women shared about their own wounds, probably for the first time publically. Unbelievable wounds! One woman described how her husband and six of her children were killed right in front of her during the 1993 genocide. The attackers stacked up the bodies of the children and drove a sword like weapon through their bodies. Others shared of rape, beatings, starvation, deep, unimaginable wounds that they were bringing to the surface for His healing. Mary then led the group in healing prayer, how to create a “safe place” with God in quiet and solitude, which we did to the best of our ability with the constant barrage of outside noises. In spite of the distractions, the Holy Spirit filled the room. Outside the hustle of life continued; inside, there was peace. Trish and the rest of the team shared a wonderful collection of promises to all believers called Father’s Love Letter. What truth that we all need to store in our hearts! To close each one of our team prayed individually with each of the women, a sweet, intimate time to bless them and intercede for them. As we closed in prayer, we all recognized we had shared a truly blessed time, both the team and the Burundi women. A special bond forms quickly between people whose hearts are knit together by His Spirit; such has been the case here. Relationship isn’t measured in terms of chronological time; it is measured by the depth of spirit connection, which can occur in a moment or develop in hours or days. Though we have spent a short time here in our way of thinking, God has done a work that could take a lifetime, if it were not for His Spirit and power.

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