Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday at Nairobi Airport all day Kenya Airlines on strike

Well we headed off at 5:00 a.m. Sunday morning from the guest house made it to the airport in good time and only had about 30 people in front of us in line. 24 hours late we made it to Bujumbura Burundi which is only 1 hour and 30 minute flight.

Diane wants to write the details of this incredible day so will let her when she wakes up later. We arrived here this morning at 4 a.m. with the bright shinning face of Peace to greet us, she had already been to the airport earlier and went back home to sleep for an hour then pray the rest of the time. With Judy praying in Nairobi and Peace in Burundi there was no way that we would not make it here. God is good. Lots of lessons learned this week we thought they were for others but a lot was for all of us. Thank you Lord.

No big plans this morning just everyone sleeping in, right now it is abut 10:30 a.m. and I have not seen any of our 17 team members but that is ok they needed the rest. This afternoon we will start in to things. Please pray for us this week it is going to be a great time here.

More later, we hope that all of you are doing well everyone here is healthy just tired.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear that you made it safely and that everyone is getting some rest. We are praying for the ministries and opportunities that you will encounter this week. We can't wait to hear all about them!
