Monday, August 17, 2009

Friday- The Power of Presence and Prayer

Last day of camp; it goes by so quickly! We had our final chapel, reviewing the life of Joseph, memory verses, and then a clear presentation of the gospel. The team has done a wonderful job of presenting dramas every day, leading Bible studies in their small groups, playing with the kids, counseling and praying with them, and just loving on them! Enormous impact on these teens! We closed chapel with an invitation to accept Jesus; quite a few indicated that they did indeed accept Jesus as their Savior; Praise the Lord! After our last small group times together, we had a closing time of prayer; the team prayed individually with every camper. Each one was prayed over, affirmed and blessed. A beautiful, intimate time of prayer. And then it was time to gather up bags, have lunch and wait for the buses. This is always an emotional time; there are tons of hugs, pleas for the team to come back, requests for prayer, loads of thanks, and bitter sweet moments with these kids. As they loaded their bus, there was joy as well as tears as we waved them off. As the team loaded up their bus, it was with mixed emotion. We’re sad to see them go; we’re glad that we came, knowing that it has made a difference. We’re humbled by how the Lord has allowed us to enter into the lives of these young people for this very special week to touch them with His love. As many of the teens shared what this week has meant to them, we heard remarks such as these:

“I learned what it means to know Jesus.” “I learned what it really means to forgive.” “I now feel that God really does love me and is with me.” “Thank you for caring for us, for coming so far to be with us.” “Thank you for giving us shelter and food this week as well as God’s Word.” “We will never forget you; you have changed my life.” There is no way this side of heaven to know what this week has meant to each one of these young people. But one thing we know; we will never be the same.

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